Monday, January 29, 2007

About face

Alright so here's the deal... When I brought this blog back to life with a new purpose I wasn't having the greatest time. I didn't seem to 'get' my job, didn't know what the hell I was doing with myself, basically just depressed and wasting the days. Since then I've come back to life, started dealing with shit and getting it done. Life is happening again. But this blog has to go. I need to restart, with a blog that has a proper name and a purpose. I have a lot of driving time with my job, and my goal is to come up with the name for my new blog by the end of this week. It will have a real purpose, with strucured posts that are thought out and actually make sense. It won't just be about me 'reinventing myself.' It'll have my own successes and goals, and how everyone else needs to realize that they are already an amazing person who can accomplish anything. (I know I know, you've heard all that shit before). So that's it for this blog. Maybe there'll be one last post with a link to the new blog. So long for now.

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